Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stuck in a Time Warp

The original add visualizes that it's all about the man and that women should be subservient and are only good for serving a man sexually and domestically. It is a harsh reminder of what life was like for too many women in the 1950s.
In the original image the man seems to be content with gender roles as the woman looks on. In the remixed one he is struggling with societal expectations of 2013. He is focused on bringing in more money instead of pulling his fair share; he is still focused on being the breadwinner, instead focusing on working together as a couple. Even though he helps out around the house, he has made progress from 1950 but still feels that domestic work is below him. This remixed man is living in the wrong time period and will only cause more problems for society if he continues in this way.
The woman is holding an iron, depicted here as a technology for the domesticated housewife. Being naked gives the impression of meat, serving the purpose of supplying pleasure, physical substance. The remixed image depicts a struggling relationship and the all too familiar financial hardships of the present day.


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