Monday, March 4, 2013

2011 World Youth Day Protests

During the summer of 2011 I had the distinct privilege of being an ad hoc tour guide and chaperone for a high school youth group attending World Youth Day in Madrid. This is an event that was held from August 16th –21st for Catholics around the world to come together for a week of citywide activities with the culmination of an overnight vigil with the Pope. 
Although Spain was once a Catholic nation, it is no longer. After the Spanish Civil War the country became divided in to those that prefer secularism or atheism and those that practice a religion.  There was an intense sense of derision and judgment from some of the locals toward the Pilgrims. Participants of the event are referred to in this way since this is essentially considered a Pilgrimage. 
A precursor to the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States was occurring in the form Spanish protesters occupying city squares in protest against the government’s questionable spending and budget cuts. Therefore, knowing WYD would be hosted by the state, they believed their taxes were being utilized for the event and taken away form those in need. 
Realizing that there could be violent riots the government compromised by allowing scheduled protests in clearly established areas with the added bonus of police protection forming barriers between “us” and “them”. Who falls in to each category depends on which side is speaking.  There was even a scheduled march against WYD with effigies of the Pope created comparing him to Satan.  WYD organizers knowing this was occurring did not prepare participants.  

* Image was found through this website's article on the aforementioned issues during the World Youth Day Events of 2011:

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