Monday, April 13, 2009

Remix Ad

I saw this ad and immediately started laughing to myself. "Buy this cream and you too can look like a mannequin!" We all know that the models and editing used in fashion magazines creates an unrealistic standard for women to compare themselves to, this ad took it a step further and said "just screw the human let's just use a mannequin". Then I started reading all the comments made on each body part, and just started getting more upset. I guess they were trying to sound like what they think an everyday woman's inner monologue sounds like, but if you ask me they just sound mean. Sure many of us criticize our bodies when we look in the mirror, but is that really something that should be encouraged? Ads like this also perpetuate the now common myth that there is some magical cream that will make you look perfect so long as you can afford it Rather than taking better care of ourselves we look for perfection in a bottle, but there is no such thing. I could go on and on.

I think this ad is completely ridiculous so I decided to take it a step further and edited the text using Photoshop. I wanted to keep the ad as close to the original as possible visually, but create a more ironic yet truthful tone for what the ad is really selling and what ideals its really pushing.

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