Monday, March 31, 2008

Injecting Thoughts

While thumbing through a beauty magazine, I came across an advertisement for a hair product marketed specifically towards brunette women. I was struck by not only the content of the ad, but the message as well. In the original piece, a young woman injects herself with hair conditioner from an instrument resembling an IV, while in the lower right-hand corner, a blond woman lies on the ground, crushed beneath a bottle of the very same hair product.
In my remix of the advertisement, I wanted to create a visual which showed a young woman injecting herself with global knowledge instead of hair conditioner. In the remix, the woman stands at the bottom of the ad, directly below a series of pictures depicting the realities of today's modern world. By placing the woman below an array of visuals and text, I was able to transform the woman's image from sexy, as seen in the original ad, into a sensitive individual who is concerned with the lives, challenges and struggles of people in all corners of the globe.
The woman in the remixed advertisement no longer appears to be concerned by her image alone nor is she engaged in a "blond vs brunette" battle. Instead, she represents a self-aware, worldly person concerned with issues affecting both men and women across the globe reaching beyond one's hair color.

Melissa Brescini

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