Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sexuality is an aspect of media that grabs the attention of audience’s. This image definitely grabs attention but for any other reason than a meaningless television show? No. Although I do not agree with this form of advertisement and its representation of women, it made me think if I were to use this image to get attention what kind of message would I want to send to audiences? I decided as a spoof on the original image I would change its meaning, not by changing the women (which was my original intention) but by changing the words and using the image of women to sell something different and completely unexpected.
I used the iconic image of Uncle Sam in the background to bring to mind the nearing presidential election and the text “DECISION 2008” to frame the image. Uncle Sam peaks through the women as a reminder that through all the distractions “Your vote is your future”. Using sex appeal to grab attention for a more worthy statement, and to motivate people to do something important like vote is still not offering a positive portrayal of women. But the opposing meaning the image of Uncle Sam creates is through his pointed finger and scowled brow, which appears to be a sense of disapproval as the half-naked women dance around the pole in front of him.

Jordan Byrne

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