Friday, March 7, 2014

The Power of the Red Head

I spent a lot of time this past week reflecting on the discussions of our guest speaker from our last class, specifically the part about the Sally Field movie giving the Arab culture a bad name.  I don’t think the ‘makers’ of this film did this on purpose.  I want to believe people aren’t that cruel.  

That being said - red heads.  Always intriguing and always terribly sexy (at least to me) – male or female, the red head has always been prized.  And feared.  And even ridiculed.  I immediately think of Lindsey Lohan.  The question I ask; Did Lindsey Lohan’s stints with cray-cray give red heads around the globe a bad name?  I don’t think any of her over-sexualized, drug-induced antics were brought on because of her red hair.  Maybe I am wrong.

The picture on the right is of Linsday Lohan at the AMFAR kickoff to Fashion Week.  (SOURCE: Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan … February 6, 2013) After coming across the picture, I immediately wondered how I would have reacted if Lindsay’s hair was blond.  Would the blond hair eliminate any ill feelings I might have towards how I perceive her?  Is the media to blame? Blond superstars Britney Spears and Paris Hilton for example, seem to have “gotten away” with their antics, but for some reason Lindsey continues to suffer.  Is it the red hair?

*I realize that there was that one time Lindsay went platinum blond.  The look didn’t last long.  I’m thinking more “natural blond.”

The second pic is my attempt to give Lindsay Lohan a “blond” makeover.  Do you think Lindsay looks less troubled with blond hair?  What if she had brown hair?

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