Monday, February 18, 2013

Year of the Snake - 2013 by May Chau

Chinese New Year celebrations have always interested me, and when I learned that every Chinese community worldwide from Boston to Honolulu to London and Beijing - each would celebrate in their own way, I would search for photos annually to see what others are doing in their local parades.  I look for costumes and food photos because of the bright colors; I am drawn to the visually stimulating shots of tasty and decadent edible offerings and to the temporary art installations throughout the public spaces.  The range of community involvement in the parades are dependent on the local chambers of commerce.  Honolulu, Hawaii's and London, England's parade were impressive this year by the local outpouring of participants.  I was delighted to know that international participants from Ireland in Beijing's celebration.  This is an indicator of how China is changing and receptive to outsider's culture - "Irish jig" while still honoring Chinese folk art. --May Chau

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