Friday, February 29, 2008

What is "FRAGRANCE"?

After I watched the video Jess posted called "Story of Stuff," it made me think about all of the toxins that I might encounter everyday from the products I use, and not even realize it. So I went to this website to find out:
The first thing I saw was the video on the main page about the things manufacturers put in the products we use on our bodies everyday (shampoo, lotion, cosmetics, etc). I found it shocking that they don't have to test their own products! After watching this, I wanted to know what was in the stuff I use each day, so I typed Dove soap into the search box and was amazed that it could cause neurotoxicity due to the untested "fragrance" it contains. What is in the stuff you use on your body each day?
Can you believe the FDA doesn't regulate this stuff ?!?

You can also click on this link to see the video:

p.s. on a totally unrelated topic, I also stumbled across this video that provided a good laugh :)

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