Sunday, February 21, 2010

Too Busy for Happiness.

How many times out of our day, or out of our week do we actually do something we love, for pleasure? Sometimes it feels as though we sacrifice all of our time for some "mandatory" project for class, or work. Days, hours, minutes pass by with us scrambling to get somewhere on time, running all over town crossing off check lists, picking up the kids etc.. But the truth of the matter is, if we know what makes us happy, why don't we take the time to do it? Everyone is guilty of this. Us Americans are always on the go, but where do we draw the line? How much will it take before our culture realizes we are wasting our time filling up our days with idle activities, instead if filling it by being with the people we love, or by doing the things we love?

I first found A Softer World when I was in college. One of my friends had posted an image like this on her facebook (talk about the power of new media!) and I fell in love with their take on comics. Emily Horne, takes the photos, and friend Joey Comeau writes the text. The results are always witty, thought provoking, emotional, harsh, and puzzling- all in the best way possible.

What is your secret to happiness?

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