The advertisement I choose to remix and alter is an advertisement for a fashion company, Dolce & Gabbana, a high end Italian Fashion Company. I felt that they misrepresented the women in the advertisement.They appear to be artists in a studio space; they are pencil thin, have sexual expressions on their faces and are wearing what is possibly advertised as “artsy apparel.” They are untouched in there presence they look like fabricated manikins; the falsehood is not only harbored in their appearance but in their unnatural posture as well. I feel this ad not only misrepresents woman but the artist as well. I know of course it’s just an unrealistic image that is trying to attract the classy and hip consumer but it does misrepresent “the woman” and “the artist”. I used magazines, paint and fabric scraps to recreate meaning. I covered the text with the name of the company at the bottom of the image with the phrase “MAKE IT” I decided to use this as the phrase to encourage creating and creation instead of filling your needs with thoughtless purchases of things that make you feel as sense of belonging or to feel beautiful. The other phrase I included is, “You can’t tag me” I thought of this in regarsds to clothing labels. To bring forth an awareness that when you buy into these name brands and the labels are visible you are not paying for something for yourself but in actually you are paying to advertise for the company when in fact they should be paying you! I tried to use many colors and textures to create a playful backdrop for the woman artist in the photo. My intention was to recreate the ad with spontaneous, colorful, and sloppy artzy fun approach because woman artist in a studio are not polished. I tried to also alter the woman’s bodies to create a more realistic body type.
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