Friday, June 24, 2016

The “Consumers, Middle Class” original image is portraying what the artist, Sally Edelstein, thought the American dream was all about more than half a century ago. Depicting a “family abundance” and the “freedom” that families in the U.S. have in order to entertain themselves and enjoy outside barbeques. Not only U.S. citizens but also humanity itself have paid the price of that “joy of life” of the American dream, with unregulated gun control (among many other consequences of course!) Families and friends of the victims of shootings are the ones who are not living that idea of the American dream (who does?) Well, I think senators and congressmen and women live in a psychological white fence that privatizes the rest of the U.S. citizens to be truly safe. Sally Edelstein created the original image in 2012, in reaction on how, nowadays, reality differs abysmally from the original idea of the American dream. I extrapolated Edelstein’s creation and added another layer: the cruel and sad reality of our actual U.S. gun control polices.

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