Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pentagon clears way for photos

It this “a symbol of respect” that “should not be hidden,” from the public? This photo is from the Boston Globe, Nation section on Friday, February 27, 2009. The issue was brought to light recently, which reverses the previous policy of the G.H. Bush administration in 1991, which placed a ban that prohibited the use of such media. The article cited a difference of opinion inside the Pentagon over such a decision. With pressure from open government advocates, hundreds of military images were released from the two previous wars in response to the Freedom of Information request and lawsuit. President Obama asked Robert Gates to review the policy of media coverage.
The question arises whether it is more important to respect the privacy of the families, or is it a sign of respect to the soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice, and also do these images display to the country the larger toll of human life which the article figures at 4,251 U.S. soldier who have lost their lives?

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